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Remote Software Engineer @ Stitch Fix

Career Karma Alumni Spotlight

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Kesha joined Career Karma in the beginning of 2019. Less than a year later, she got a job as a remote software engineer at Stitch Fix.
Step 1: Enroll in a tech bootcamp through Career Karma
Step 2: Be on your way to a successful new tech career
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How FastTrack Works
Tell us about you and what you are looking for in a tech bootcamp. In seconds, our matching algorithm will connect you to tech programs that match your schedule, finances and your skill-level.
Once you are approved, you will be matched to top tech bootcamps that offer scholarships, free prep courses or income sharing to help you acquire the needed skills to get a new career in technology.
Accept multiple matches to begin your application process. Navigate your tech bootcamp interviews with the help of our coaches and the community. Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been learning on your own, we will help you get accepted into your top choice.